Education and Outreach
A Letter From CARIE’s Board of Directors
To Our Community,
CARIE’s Board of Directors wishes to share the news that Whitney Lingle has resigned as Executive Director. We wish Whitney well in her future pursuits. The Board has asked Rebecca Nurick, Program Director, to serve as Acting Director and is grateful that she has agreed to do so. Rebecca has served in a wide variety of capacities over her 30 years at CARIE and is perfectly suited for this role.
With a remarkable history of advocacy and service on behalf of older adults and with a staff deeply committed to CARIE’s tradition of excellence, we look forward to building on the great strengths that have always defined CARIE and our work.
Joan Davitt, Acting Chair
CARIE Board of Directors
News & Events
CARIE Testifies at Policy Hearing
On October 29, Pennsylvania’s House Majority Policy Committee convened a field hearing in Avoca, PA entitled – “Boosting State Support of Seniors.” Reps. Jim Haddock (D-Lackawanna, Luzerne) and Eddie Day…
Philadelphia Long-term Care Ombudsman Calling for Volunteers!
Join the Philadelphia Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program at CARIE on October 24, 2024 from 11am-2pm. Learn how you can help make a difference in the lives of long-term care residents as a Volunteer Ombudsman! Please rsvp for this event with our Volunteer Coordinator, Nequava Matthews at 610-860-5152 or [email protected] .
CARIE Elder Abuse Prevention Training Selected for World Health Organization Initiative!!
We are thrilled to share the news that CARIE’s Competence with Compassion™: An Elder Abuse Prevention Training Program for Long Term Care Staff is one of 89 interventions recognized by…
Volunteer Open House
Join Us for CARIE’s Volunteer Open House! Are you passionate about making a difference in the community? Learn about our impactful programs, including CARIE LINE, Senior Medicare Patrol, PA Medicare…
A CARIE Timeline
Scroll to view CARIE’s extensive history.
intergenerational Nursing Home Friendly Visitor Program initiated using school students
Legislative Committee develops position paper and holds forum, “Policy Issues of Older
Pennsylvanians -
Annual Conference, “Living Wills and Advance Directives: Whose Life Is it Anyway?”
Advance Directives Committee Established to provide education
Three-year grant from William Penn Foundation to provide advocacy for In-Home LTC Consumers
Bernice Soffer retires after nearly 16 years of service
Abuse Prevention Training Program awarded Brookdale Center on Aging and ASA’s “Best Practices in Human Resources Award”
CARIE changes name to, Center for Advocacy for the Rights and Interests of the Elderly, reaffirms its mission
Health Care Fraud Education Project Established with grant from the Administration on Aging
Honored with Governor’s Silver & Gold Award for “Dignity”
Advance Directives Committee extends its work to LTC ethics and begins pilot project
Reached more than 25,000 people through direct advocacy, outreach, public and professional presentations
Received grant from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for Communities United to promote the well-being of Hispanic Elders
“Providing Advocacy for Victimized Elders (PAVE) ” funded by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency became part of CARIE
CARIE was recognized by Citizens Bank and NBC 10 as their “Community Champion” for the Elderly
CARIE was selected to receive its second Community Health Impact Award presented by Glaxo Smith Kline
Better Jobs, Better Care/PA piloted its Universal Core Curriculum and also provided education at its Direct Care Workers conference
CARIE received an award for “Excellence in Senior Advocacy” from the Emergency Fund Coalition for Older Philadelphians
Terri Ivers, a volunteer with the Pennsylvania Senior Medicare Patrol, was honored bythe Administration on Aging
CARIE formally collaborated with SeniorLAW Center to serve older women who are victims of domestic violence
Commissioned by PA Department of Aging to embark on a study evaluating guardianship practices amongst older adults
ScamWire™, a program to protect elderly from scam callers, was distributed to approximately 32,350 individuals
Averted a major policy change to the DPW’s MA Para-transportation services and a positive budget for older Pennsylvanians
CARIE’s policy efforts include averting a SEPTA fare increase and advocating for $50 million additional funding for seniors’ home and community based services
CARIE received funding to advocate for older adults impacted by Managed Long-Term Care
CARIE was selected by the Pew Charitable Trusts to participate in an innovative Evaluation Capacity-Building Initiative
CARIE leads the coalition for elders advocacy during COVID, issuing several reports including “Immediate Actions Pennsylvania Must Take toAddress the COVID-19 Crisis in Long-Term Care Facilities”
CARIE issues, “Separate and Unconscionable: A Report on Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Pennsylvania’s Nursing Homes with Recommendations for Immediate Action”
CARIE Celebrates 45 years!
Diane Menio retires; Whitney Lingle becomes CARIE Executive Director
Making a Difference
Mrs. Walker was not being heard by others. A shy woman, Mrs. Walker often had a hard time speaking up on her own behalf because she needs time to formulate her thoughts. She came to CARIE because she needed help in resolving a number of different problems relating to housing repairs, a billing dispute and most recently, assistance with choosing health insurance.
“I came here first for one problem but because the Advocate made me feel so comfortable, I just kept coming back for more help. The staff at CARIE took the time to explain everything to me so I would understand. They are caring and helpful in ways that other agencies are not. I don’t know what I would have done if I didn’t find CARIE.!”