CARIE Receives a Grant from The Sarah Ralston Foundation

CARIE is honored to receive a General Operating Support Grant from The Sarah Ralston Foundation in the Foundation’s inaugural grant cycle. We are deeply grateful to the Foundation for its significant support of CARIE’s work to ensure that all Philadelphia elders are able to live with dignity, well-being and quality of life.

The Sarah Ralston Foundation supports and enhances the quality of life of vulnerable and underserved older adults residing in Philadelphia County. Born from the Ralston Center, an organization with a long history, The Sarah Ralston Foundation seeks to continue that impact by using its resources to give grants and to serve as a community partner to organizations serving older adults in Philadelphia.

CARIE names Peter Fitzpatrick 2023 Outstanding Volunteer


As a volunteer in CARIE’s SMP health care fraud and abuse prevention program, Peter is passionate about improving the well-being of older adults within Venango and the surrounding northwestPennsylvania counties. A tenacious advocate, Peter is also a trustworthy source of information for Medicare fraud prevention, tax preparation, health insurance counseling, and connecting community leaders more closely to the causes they work toward advancing. 

As a representative on every SMP Advisory Council session since its inception in 2019, Peter’s expertise and passion have resulted in the creation of the PA-SMP Personal Health Care Journals, expanded partnerships in rural communities, aligning of messaging for particular audiences, coordinating the SMP message with that of PA-MEDI, recruiting and networking for the SMP, and advising on Medicare education best practices.

One of the most significant factors of working with Peter is his calm and respectful demeanor that makes him extremely approachable. When combined with his extensive knowledge of Medicare, community resources, hospice, Community Health Choices, and other related elements, Peter is the hallmark of connecting case to cause, a model replicated elsewhere throughout CARIE.

CARIE is grateful to Peter for his exemplary service and pleased to honor him with the 2023 Jacqueline R. Jefferson Outstanding Volunteer Award. 

In 2022 CARIE’s Board established the Jacqueline R. Jefferson Outstanding Volunteer Award to honor Mrs. Jefferson for the many ways over many years she has contributed to CARIE. For over two decades, Mrs. Jefferson’s tireless commitment to CARIE as a volunteer in the Pennsylvania SMP has helped this statewide initiative become a model for the national SMP community. With genuine concern for her peers and a special ability to engage her audiences, Mrs. Jefferson has helped thousands of Pennsylvania  Medicare beneficiaries protect themselves from fraud and abusive scams.

“Aging Unbounded”: Older Americans Month focuses on Ageism

Established in 1963, Older Americans Month (OAM) is celebrated every May. Led by the
Administration for Community Living (ACL), OAM is a time for us to acknowledge the
contributions and achievements of older Americans, highlight important trends, and strengthen
our commitment to honoring our older citizens.
This year’s theme, Aging Unbound, offers an opportunity to explore a wide range of aging
experiences and to promote the importance of enjoying independence and fulfillment by paving
our own paths as we age.
This May, join us as we recognize the 60th anniversary of OAM and challenge the narrative on
aging. Here are some ways we can all participate in Aging Unbound:

  • Embrace the opportunity to change. Find a new passion, go on an adventure, and push
    boundaries by not letting age define your limits. Invite creativity and purpose into your
    life by trying new activities in your community to bring in more growth, joy, and energy.
  • Explore the rewards of growing older. With age comes knowledge, which provides
    insight and confidence to understand and experience the world more deeply. Continue to
    grow that knowledge through reading, listening, classes, and creative activities.
  • Stay engaged in your community. Everyone benefits when everyone is connected and
    involved. Stay active by volunteering, working, mentoring, participating in social clubs,
    and taking part in activities at your local senior center or elsewhere in the community.
  • Form relationships. As an essential ingredient of well-being, relationships can enhance
    your quality of life by introducing new ideas and unique perspectives. Invest time with
    people to discover deeper connections with family, friends, and community members.
    For more information, contact CARIE at 215.545-5728 or 800-356-3606;;
    Instagram: @carieadvocates; Twitter: @CARIEadvocates
    Visit the official OAM website, follow ACL on Twitter and Facebook, and join the conversation
    using #OlderAmericansMonth.

“Favor a Return” by Renaissance woman, Yvette Green

Favor a Return


Something dropped

Before I can whip out my grabber

A sympathetic backside I see

Picking up something dropped

Kind eyes wanting me to realize

How happy am I that they happened along

I am grateful don’t get me wrong

I say thank you

Cause it looks to me like you need to hear it

Have I become your good deed for the day?

Dropping has become

A part of my life now

Retrieval is an art


Will I ever pick up things for you?

Open a door

Lead you across the street

Say ‘you’re welcome’,

Instead of ‘thank you’

All the time?


I would want to return a favor

Instead of receiving

Let me favor a return.

My choice

What about ‘you’re welcome’

If I cheer you up

Fuss you out for being stupid

Tell you your wife is cheating

Compliment you


Don’t stop helping me

I need you as much as you need me

But please understand

When I have to be fed by

Pulled up in my chair by

Dressed every morning by

Put to bed at night by

Have my bottom changed by


All these things are normal for


CARIE Statement on Events of January 6th

We at CARIE, along with our nation and the world, watched with horror last Wednesday as rioters attacked our democracy, undermining the electoral process at its heart.  As the afternoon unfolded, we witnessed the disparity between the response of law enforcement to the mob attacking the Capitol seeking to disenfranchise Black and Brown voters and the response to the Black Lives Matter demonstrations of the past year. It is impossible not to recognize the systemic racism in this disparity.

Our country must address the existing fissures in our social fabric. This repair requires a shared commitment to advancing social justice and racial equity within our society. CARIE remains strongly committed to joining with aligned organizations and individuals to further this critical work along with continuing our advocacy for the dignity, empowerment, and well-being of older adults from all socioeconomic, racial, and cultural backgrounds.

We hope that you are able to remain safe and well during the difficult days ahead. Please get in touch with us if we can help any elder you know.

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