CHC Advocates Guide Updated

CARIE is pleased to announce that An Advocates Guide to Community HealthChoices (CHC) has been updated.  It provides a comprehensive overview of CHC along with advocacy tips and resource information.  The purpose of the guide is to help advocates and others understand and navigate CHC.

The Guide will be periodically updated, and the most up-to-date version will always be posted at  There is an “Edition Changes Log” immediately following the cover page highlighting what changes have been made.  Be sure to contact CARIE if you have questions or need assistance.

CARIE CHC Advocate’s Guide Updated

CARIE is pleased to announce that An Advocates Guide to Community HealthChoices (CHC) has been updated.  It provides a comprehensive overview of CHC along with advocacy tips and resource information.  The purpose of the guide is to help advocates and others understand and navigate CHC.

The Guide will be periodically updated, and the most up-to-date version will always be posted at  There is an “Edition Changes Log” immediately following the cover page highlighting what changes have been made.  Be sure to contact CARIE if you have questions or need assistance.

Diane Menio awarded Consumer Voice Elma Holder Lifetime Achievement Award

We are very pleased to announce that Diane Menio, CARIE’s Executive Director, will be honored on Monday, November 7th in Washington D.C. by the Consumer Voice with the Elma Holder Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of her lifetime commitment and contributions to long-term care consumers!

Thank you Consumer Voice for recognizing Diane’s life’s work of advocacy on behalf of older adults

CARIE supports LGBT bill of rights aimed at reducing discrimination for elders in long term care facilities!

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

The Philadelphia Financial Exploitation Prevention Task Force Presents:

Safeguarding Our Seniors: A Forum for Seniors and their Caregivers

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Download the Flyer Today: WEAADflyer6.15.2016


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